Catching Up
Well, it’s been awhile!
Quantum Spacewalker: Aneera’s Assignment launched successfully on February 15th with a small party of family and friends, cake, and my FIRST ever livestream on Facebook. I read a few chapters from the book, then cake was consumed amidst laughter and fun conversation.
Pandemic times have been challenging for everyone. It was a bit of a bummer that we couldn’t have a big launch party like we had for Jarl’s Journey, but Aneera’s Assignment still made its way out into the world. *Happy sigh* 😊
Work has commenced on Quantum Spacewalker: Quinn’s Quest but, in truth, the going has been slow. As it turns out, my tie dye business has tripled during this year’s market season and I have been living up to my sell-proclaimed (tongue-in-cheek) moniker of “Tie Dye Queen.” I guess everyone is feeling the need for more vibrant happy color in their lives. If that is you, check out my Etsy story at TieDyeQueenandBooks. It isn’t stocked very well at present because the farmers markets have been sucking up inventory as fast as I can produce it – however, I am happy to send you current inventory pictures if you contact me.
And if you need some happy reading this summer, by all means check out…